Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Failure Analysis Essay Example for Free

Failure Analysis Essay Team D will analyze the organizations Samsung Electronics Company (SEC) and Research In Motion Blackberry (RIM). The study will analyze in depth the success of Samsung and the failure of Blackberry. The paper analyzes how Samsung evolved into one of the largest conglomerates in the world during the past decade the demise of Blackberry and how the company failed. Vision and Mission Statement Samsung Vision Statement, The vision of SAMSUNG Electronics is Leading the Digital Convergence Revolution (Samsung, 2013, p. 1). Mission Statement â€Å"To experience the joy of advancing and applying technology for the benefit of the public† (Samsung, 2013, p. 1.). Established in 1938, Samsung has gone thru many changes. During its various changes, Samsung continues to modify its mission statement according to its own change and to new developments globally. Economic contribution to the nation â€Å", Priority to human resources† â€Å" Pursuit of rationalism are slogans that represent important moments in Samsung’s history. The organization has grown from a national leader to a worldwide consumer leader. The constant fluctuation in the global economy, competition, and operations, Samsung transformed its mission statement in 1990. According to Samsung’s philosophy, We will devote our human resources and technology to create superior products and services, thereby contributing to a better global society (Samsung, 2013, p. 2.). The organizations attitude is a representation of its determination to contribute to the success of people globally. Key factors for Samsung is the dedication, creativity, and talent of its employees. The strong leadership and team support has made endless opportunities for new technology and achieving higher standard of living globally. Leadership at Samsung believe its success is due to its contribution to people worldwide and to the shared prosperity between national boundaries worldwide. This determines how they manage their  company. The objective for Samsung Electronics is to generate the future with its consumers. SEC can be considered as one of very few companies that manage to go beyond mere imitation of global competitors, leverage resources, accelerate the pace of organizational learning and manage to attain seemingly impossible goals ( Hamel and Prahalad, 1989). Vision and Mission Statement Blackberry vision statement, â€Å"Blackberry aims to be the premier center for management development excelling in developing managers of tomorrow; strengthening management capabilities and facilitating policy options to meet emerging challenges†. (Blackberry, 2013, p.1.). Mission statement, â€Å"To develop socially and professionally responsible and proactive managers and leaders with holistic perspectives and competencies. (Blackberry, 2013, p.1.) In realizing the above vision and mission, RIM focuses on the following strategic areas: In 1994, Blackberry (RIM) was created. The organization is located in Waterloo, Ontario Canada. Other locations include Europe, United States, Mexico, and Asia Pacific. Blackberry lead the design, fabrication, distributor of its wireless solutions for the global cellular communications market. The creation of combined software, services, and support, Blackberry provided solutions for email, cell phone, SMS, MMS, Intranet, and Internet applications â€Å"The beauty of this device was that users could do all of these functions even as they were striding down the sidewalk, far from any desktop computer† (Kim, 2008). . The organization provided services for Civil Service, local governance, and the private sector. This enabled Blackberry to strengthen and develop into a strong financial, self-supported Institute. The downfall of Blackberry began on January 9, 2007, with the introduction of the iPhone. Apple sold a million iPhones the first week of its release, signaling the era of the smartphone. In a conference call on March 29, 2012 CEO Thorsten Heins stated, â€Å"It is now very clear to me that substantial change is what RIM needs,† (All Thing D, 2012, p. 1.). The CEO is creating something Blackberry has not had for a long time, a vision. . â€Å"We believe that BlackBerry cannot succeed if we try to be everybody’s darling and all things to all people†, (All Things D, 2012, p. 1.). It might be too late but  the organization will undertake a complete review analysis of the way the company operates. Leadership style, management, organizational structure, and culture Samsung Electronics is a worldwide organization with nearly 160,000 employees and operates in countries worldwide. Samsung is devoted to having a healthy organizational culture. It believes that ethical management is not only a tool for responding to the rapid changes in the global business environment, but also a vehicle for building trust with its various stakeholders, shareholders, customers, partners, employees, and local communities around the world. Samsung’s aim is to become one of the most ethical companies in the world that is respected by its stakeholders, Samsung Electronics continues to train its employees and operate monitoring systems, while practicing fair and transparent corporate management. Samsung has established a good and safe working environment for its personnel, this improves employee morale and productivity and commitment to the organization. Employees respect all workers despite the positions they have. Workers and leaders have a good relationship that allows both side to work together on workers grievances relating to their work environment. The relationships between the workers and leaders are interactive and workers grievances relating to their working environment and other labor related issues work well. Workers at Samsung will respect all workers despite the roles they play. CEO Kwon Oh Hyun is a commanding leader, almost militarist in leading. In South Korea, this style of leadership is very effective; unlike in the United States a commanding leader for a non-military organization would be ineffective. Kwon Oh Hyun is direct, takes tight control, very demanding, disciplined, and demands immediate compliance within the company, from top to bottom. It is difficult to recognize what leadership style is within Blackberry. What has brought Blackberry to its demise is not having a clear vision from its upper executives. Their leaders had no sense of direction to innovate the organization. Blackberry ten years ago was a leader in the cellular business. Customers who owned a blackberry phone felt important, celebrities, Wall Street investment bankers. Today Blackberry is at jeopardy on becoming obsolete. Blackberry made some critical mistakes, which put the organization in jeopardy. The organization  disregarded the iPhone until it was too late. Prior CEO Lazaridis â€Å"told his employees that no one would buy the iPhone because customers did not want a personal computer on their cell phones.† (Forbes, 2011, p. 2.) Blackberry promoted a culture of unwillingness and closed communication. Upper executives did not want to listen to ideas from below. Additionally, a critical mistake was waiting too long to innovate new products into their product line. Their current product line is a big dinosaur and still look much like their first phones. To further trouble Blackberry, two major outages occurred on April 2007 and again in February 2008, each outage lasted for a few days. Leading Organizational Change Team D would use the Kotter’s Eight Steps Detailed guidance for managing change. First major change is to establish a sense of urgency, in order to create a compelling reason for change. The compelling reason for change is to seek new ways of innovation. Keeping up with the global rapid change in the telecommunications, industry is vital. [Change process theories describe a typical pattern of events that occur from the beginning of a change to the end, and in some cases they describe how earlier changes affect subsequent changes. The theories may identify distinct phases in the process, stages in the reaction of individuals, or effects of repeated changes on people.] (Gary Yukl, 2013, p. 1.) In order to keep Blackberry competitive with the market, the organization must find new products to introduce into the market. Introducing a new lineup of products such as new cell phone models is vital for the company to compete with its competitors. The sense of urgency is creating and updating our products in time to keep up with the competition. The team would create a coalition between upper management to establish the new change for blackberry. The coalition between top executives would facilitate the introduction of the new strategy into our new business plan. A major priority for blackberry and its top executives is to create a clear vision for the upcoming change of the organization. The next hurdle is to widely open up communication barriers and simplify the communication between upper management on down. Blackberry will promote a culture of open communication and willingness for all its employees. The open communication will enable the organization to communicate the vision throughout the company. Good communication will help the organization with employees who resist change. Communication between upper management and employees will help give a clear vision of the change. Inadequate communication will give employees a sense of false information for example believe that change is not feasible, fear of personal failure, loss of status, and economic threat. The CEO will empower other managers to act on the vision by encouraging risk-taking and removing barriers to help solve problems. The new plan will take two years to implement. The action plan will include short-term goals that move blackberry toward the new vision. The change will allow upper management on down to consolidate improvement. All management reassess all changes to include analytical information, the consolidation improvements will allow the organization to make any necessary adjustments in the new programs. All management will have to lead by example and demonstrate the success of the cultural change. The new plan will reinforce the changes by demonstrating the relationship between the new behaviors. The leadership styles will be between transformational and visionary leadership. These leadership styles will inspire the conviction of the new vision and will give blackberry a clear direction to succeed in the new change. Transformational leadership will inspire and develop empowering focus on the new plan. Conclusion During significant change to a company’s structure and strategies, personnel can experience high levels of stress on the job. Prior to executing the strategies, organizations must empower employees to adopt the role of change and encourage them to take action to solve the problems that stresses them. A large piece of the puzzle is communication between upper management on down. Personnel need to feel that they are empowered during the phase of the change. Although few organizations fully acknowledge their role in helping employees, cope with change. Individual reactions to change your complex and most experts agree that people tend to be uncomfortable with change; employees do not want to depart from their comfort zone.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Designing an Amateur Darkroom :: Essays Papers

Designing an Amateur Darkroom The first time I processed my own roll of black and white film I was around 14 years old. Being very anxious to see the pictures I had taken, I couldn't even wait for the film to dry. I first became interested in photography in seventh grade. My parents allowed me to buy some equipment and supplies to setup my own darkroom in our home. Everyday after school I rushed home to develop and print my own film. In my darkroom, away from the outside pressures of the world I enjoyed creating my own works of art throughout the remainder of my school years. At 40 years old with a family and home of my own I still look forward to escaping the world for a little while in my own darkroom. Creating custom prints of your own can be a very rewarding and fun too. The first step in designing your own darkroom is to choose a room in your home with electric outlets, running water, and the least amount of light coming through the windows and doors. The room must be light tight, you can accomplish this by covering the windows with a black cloth or heavy gauge vinyl. To check for stray light, stay in the darkroom for five minutes with all the lights off. Hold a piece of white paper against a dark background, if you can't see the paper, it passes inspection. If there are light leaks, use black electrical tape to cover them. The materials needed to develop your roll of exposed film are available at any photo supply store. You will need to choose the type of chemicals and paper needed according to type of film used, desired affect, convenience, personal preference, and expense. The clerks in these stores are usually very knowledgeable and helpful, explain to them what you're working on and ask plenty of questions. You will need: 1. Developing tank 5. Thermometer 2. Roll of exposed film 6. Developer 3.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Planarian Behavior Essay

Planaria belong to the class Turbella of the phylum Platyhelminthes. This paper depicts the behavioral reaction of Planarians to a variety of settings and compounds to better understand this particular Platyhelminthes. With a plastic syringe, it is possible to extract a sample of planaria, place into a Petri dish with enough freshwater and observe under a laboratory provided microscope. While on the microscope platform, expose your sample to light and darkness to notice the patterns of locomotion and movement throughout the conditioning tray. Probe the individuals with an object to spot any type of distinct change in response, negative or positive. Tap the side and surroundings of the dish to notice if there is any different adjustment in movement. Add sound to surrounding, noting any alter. Obtain a second sample, labeled separately, and use one dish to apply Hydrochloric Acid and the other to salt (NaCl) water. Note: Only using minimal amount or as needed. Using the tools provided, cut an individual in half to discover if the subject dies or survives. In conclusion, the Planarian makes it choice by moving towards the darkened areas, favorably. When applied to light, the individuals fled towards the edge. Any sudden object, sound, or altering didn’t affect the objects intentions. After five drops of 6 mol HCl (aq), the sample died of very quickly; however, five drops of 6 mol NaCl (aq) did not kill off near as quick. It was applied directly to the conditioning trays. Introduction Members of the phylum Platyhelminthes have a worm-like shape. The Platyhelminth has a bilateral symmetry and meets any provided situation in an â€Å"aggressive, head-on approach. Cephalization, a specialism of the anterior end of the animal, can be depicted in the gathering of sensory arrangement and cluster of nerves, also known as the ganglia or its brain, in the head region. Many of the behaviors you will see are associated to increases in mobility, higher activity, and general increase in responsiveness† (Collins, Harker 1999). Most planarians are free-living and common in freshwater environments, also found in marine and terrestrial places. Two ventral nerve cords run the length of the body. Located in the anterior end are two eyespots which possess photoreceptors to detect any form of light. Normally, a planarian contains a gastrovascular cavity that provides space for digestion tracts and the circulation of nutrient throughout the body. The mouth is located on the ventral end, which is the site for both food digestion and/or the release of bodily wastes. â€Å"Planarians are able to regenerate from essentially any type of injury and present a novel system for the study of wound responses in regeneration initiation. Planarian regeneration requires adult stem cells called neoblasts and amputation triggers two peaks in neoblast mitoses early in regeneration† (Wenemoser, Reddien 2010). Planarians are highly recognizable due to their ability to regenerate from the smallest body part. Typically vary in color from grey, brown or black. They seemingly move about on the bottom of rocks or submerged vegetation. Many are negatively phototactic, which simply means they shy away from any form of light fixture. Each worm has both male and female reproducing organs; however, they are monoecious in that they are not self-fertilizing. The most common form is asexual. They appear for function mainly as osmoregulation, the control of the levels of water and mineral salts in the blood. Planarians must constantly eliminate excess water and are carnivores that feed primarily on protozoans and other small animals. What is a Planarians reaction to a light fixture or exposed directly? Does it affect them in any way? What is the difference in responses from light and darkness? By inserting objects to the planarians path, does it alter their behavior? What about exposing them to sound or movement? Does making the water more acidic or basic affect the health and/or behavioral responses? Which is more likely to kill or harm the sample individuals? What are some distinct or unique characteristics definite in the planarian body structure that can be easily observed from a laboratory microscope? Do the individual samples favor any tests performed over the opposite stimulus? What could cause the planarians to move the way they are observed? I feel that given the ecological surroundings the planarian can be discovered, I imagine that the exposure of light will overwhelm the samples tolerance since they become adapt to living underneath rocks, plants, and other submerged vegetation in marine and freshwater environments. Inserting objects would just be like adding an obstacle course, so I’m predicting they would maneuver and meander around the objects. Acid always seems to be, in most cases, more harmful than any bases or salt compounds, for this test I will be assuming the 6 mol HCl will dramatically harm, if not kill, any planarian currently living about the conditioning tray. After the 6 mol NaCl is added to the Petri dish, I’m sure it will have an effect on them to an extent, seeing that some Planaria are capable of living in marine waters. Due to the fact that every piece of evidence available via text or online source, many testimonies have been provided that planarian individuals favor shaded as opposed to exposed areas of sun light or artificial light sources. Right away it will be easily distinguishable as to which technique will provide the most responsiveness to behavior. I don’t feel that creating any type of sound or movement that could be applied directly to the sample will alter or change the reaction of the planarians provided, since they are encompassed inside containers near such activities no matter what or where they are designated to be. I feel the most advantageous examinations will be the light versus dark and adding chemical compound to the already steady pH water provided. Materials and Methods Materials that were included in this lab include at least nine individual planarians, one metric ruler, two probing tools, one laboratory scanning microscope, three Petri dishes and lids or watch glasses, a vile of 6 mol HCl, a vile of 6 mol NaCl, a plastic pipette, one pen and/or permanent marker, and one lab notebook. Other things that could be used include a thermometer and a magnifying glass. With a dropper, we transferred planarian from the culture dish to a Petri dish and were sure to add enough water so that animal could glide freely over a small area of the dish. Next, we drew and labeled the ventral nerve cords, pharynx, eyespots, ganglia and gastrovascular cavity (see Figure 1 to identify these particular structures). To perform this experiment, we placed a petry glass on the stage of the microscope to view through the scanning lens. First, measurements were taken to note the length of the various planaria. By turning the light fixture on and off, we recorded any and all movement. Then with the three planaria, we used the probing tools to cut the planaria in half and used three of the halves that were left to observe any form of regeneration in the water provided. The other three were placed to regenerate in a separate petry dish to ensure they did not mix together. Of the remaining six planaria, we placed three in separate petry glasses. One of the glasses was used to add five drops of 6 mol HCl and the remaining petry glass was used to add five drops of 6 mol NaCl. After applying the chemicals to the water, one at a time in order for accurate and precise recording, we noted any changes in mobility, reactions, color, and/or functions. Added obstacles to the paths of some of the planarian and slowly tilted the glass back and forth to create water flow and movement. This was to ensure we created or reenacted any type of ecosystem the planaria may exist in to allow for maximum behavioral responses to different scenarios. This allowed for the most of the laboratory experiment and the more tests performed provide more precise results. Results After placing three planarians into a single petry dish, I placed the watch glass onto the stage of the microscope to first indentify body structures, organs, and gain knowledge into the ‘normal’ behavior of a single planaria. Using the metric ruler, I was able to establish the average length of the planaria to be 10 mm in length. As the light fixture remained off, I took notice that all of the planarians in the glass performed and acted in similar ways. They were free-moving, covering all surface provided within the water. After turning the lighting fixture on, each planarian scurried towards the water’s edge only to be trapped within the area provided. It appeared to me as if they were trying to evade the light in search of a more suitable and sustainable environment. Next, I used the probing tool to create an obstacle to see if they reacted any different to a new placement. Unfortunately, that was not the case; they simply went around or avoided it all together. As I came towards the adding chemicals section of the experiment, I used the tool to cut the planarian in half, to prove the theory of regeneration. The anterior end went about as if it was barely affected; however, the posterior end was quite the opposite, yet it still possessed signs of life and locomotion to an extent. Then I went ahead and used the remaining six planarian to test for any type of ability to survival when introduced to hydrochloric acid and salt water. After separating the samples into even numbered dishes, I first applied five drops of six molar HCl to the first sample. This almost simultaneously killed all of the living organisms within the dish. Next, I placed the same amount of six molar NaCl to the last dish; however this reaction was much different. After directly applying the salt water, the planaria seemed to behave abnormal, increasing they movement and livelihood. I was surprised that it didn’t kill them off as the hydrochloric acid did. It was almost as if they began to adapt or tolerate the new conditions. My only thought was that since a small percentage live in marine ecosystems, they are able to live in such conditions to an extent or within a certain limit. To my surprise they managed to live throughout the entire procedure. See Table 1 and 2 Discussions Exposing the planaria to light went as anticipated. Before the lab even began, it was very evident that these organisms were more prone to darkness; hence the reason for finding them on the underside of submerged items. â€Å"Most planarians are also light-sensitive and in some, pigmented light-sensitive cells are clumped in two cups that serve as primitive eyes† ( Kobayashi 2008). The one thing that caught my eye was how quick they were to avoid and almost escape the direct light, was as if they were in grave danger. I was rather intrigued to discover that although these animals are able to regenerate, I still was having a hard time believing they would still live for reasons of doubt; but after separating the body parts into halves, it reminded me much of an earth worm. When you go to capture an earthworm from the ground, and you accidentally break them or rip them into halves, each halve squirms away as almost if unharmed or phased. The placing of obstacles came to no surprise. Just as for any living organism, if it comes across an object in its path, the organism finds other means of getting around or avoiding all together. If it didn’t suit the planarian, it moved on. When adding the hydrochloric acid, I could only think one thing. If acid was applied to our skin or in great quantities in our ecosystem, we are exposed to a very harmful substance and more often times than not cannot tolerate a highly exposure rate. As I began to reach the final drop of acid into the dish, the organisms inside already began to show signs of death or nearing the end of life all together. The sodium chloride, however, was a different story. I didn’t really know what to expect. It could have went one of two ways, either erratically change the behavior and response to such chemicals or merely phase them at all. Much like the HCl, they weren’t used to such components and surely didn’t accept it; but even after adding all of the substance, it seemed as if the planaria were able to still find ways to adapt or tolerate expose to it. Unlike the HCl, they were able to survive. Consluion The results did prove my hypothesis correct. The planarians behavior response to light was vastly affected to the amount of exposure to direct light. There was an increase in mobility, higher activity, and general increase in responsiveness when any form of light was applied to the sample. Adding obstacles didn’t take much affect on the individuals, it simply just made an inconvenience and planned around it. By introducing hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride, it created a whole new means of survival of the fittest. The hydrochloric acid instantly killed off all the planarian exposed to the chemical, much like I predicted. The sodium chloride almost seemed as if it left the sample unharmed. In conclusion, there are several things I would also have included to this experiment for more discoveries. Things such as increase or decrease in water temperature, measuring the temperature at given times to note any changes in response to the change. Also, maybe adding other types of aqueous solutions to the mix, or perhaps compound that would change the performance of the viewed planarian, such as caffeine.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Define And Describe The Three Analytics Types Essay

1. Define and describe the three analytics types. a. Descriptive Analytics. This type of business analytics is to answer the question â€Å"what is happening† and â€Å"why did it happen?†. The process of descriptive analytics is looking at past performance and understanding this performance. Data mining, data aggregation, segmentation, profiling are some tools that can be used to perform the descriptive analytics. The output of this analytics, for example, is the age range of bank customers, the income distribution of the customers, number of children in the household, and customers’ preferences. b. Predictive Analytics. This type of business analytics is to answer the question â€Å"What is likely to happen?†. The process of predictive analytics is identifying past patterns and using statistical models and forecast techniques to understand the future. The output of the predictive analytics, for example is, which age range of customers that will apply for credit cards in the next 12 months, which income range of the customers that will use the electronics banking facilities for next 2 years. c. Prescriptive Analytics. This type of analytics will help answer the question â€Å"What action should be taken?†. This analytics uses optimization and simulation algorithms to advise on possible outcomes (maximize good outcomes and minimize potentially bad outcomes). Prescriptive analytics is a decision making tool equipped with the risk mitigation. The output of prescriptive analytics, for exampleShow MoreRelatedDesigning A Program For The Assessment Method Essay747 Words   |  3 Pages(Allen Tanner, 2006, and Reedy, 2007) developing rubrics follows several steps; defining the learning objectives of the course, decide upon the assessment methods that would be employed to assess the achievement of the learning goals of the course, describe the criteria and the levels of performance for the assessment method as would be applicable in the course. Anglin, et al (2008) felt the rubric is an attempt to quantify qualitative judgment. This occurs by documenting observable an d measurableRead MoreThe Genius Of Rubrics Is A Coherent Set Of Criteria1493 Words   |  6 Pagesincludes descriptions of levels of performance quality on the criteria. Sounds simple enough, right? Unfortunately, this definition of rubric is rarely demonstrated in practice. The Internet, for example, offers many rubrics that do not, in fact, describe performance. 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